Pen Text Engine++ Font Injector

Use Chrome or Edge (Chromium) for Best Compatibility

1. Font Settings

Font Data

Font data must be in the PTE Ultra+ format. Find fonts here.

Name of Font to be used in Project

Coming later

2. Project Settings

SB3 Project File with Pen Text Engine++ Sprite

The project must contain a Pen Text Engine++ sprite. Using a new project won't work.

Name of Pen Text Engine++ Sprite in Project

Enabling any of these options will disable font injection.

3. Download

The resulting SB3 file should automatically download after clicking the button above.

The original file will not be replaced or deleted. A new file will be created instead.

The process should take less than 10 seconds to complete before the file starts downloading.

If the resulting file size is too large to upload, try saving the project in Scratch Desktop.

Libraries Used

For anyone curious: